Friday, January 14, 2011

Brady to initiate House bill to protect Congress against threats - National Legislative Watch

Brady to initiate House bill to protect Congress against threats - National Legislative Watch

The Hill reports that Congressman Robert Brady (D-PA), plans to introduce legislation prohibiting "language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a federal official or member of Congress."

Brady is quoted as telling CNN that "The president is a federal official. You can't do it to him; you should not be able to do it to a congressman, senator or federal judge."

A quick search of Google News shows that so far reaction from news media political pundits has been less than warm, with The Boston Herald ("And the real victim here - if they have their way - will be the free speech rights of all Americans."), The Washington Examiner ("We should reject 'solutions' that threaten to criminalize protected speech or increase the distance between the people's representatives and those they serve."), and The Washington Post ("Congress should read the Constitution.") all weighing in against such a bill.

Continue reading on Brady to initiate House bill to protect Congress against threats - National Legislative Watch |

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