Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cultivating the New World Order

Cultivating the New World Order


The conservative libertarian writer Paul Craig Roberts has posted an article, "The New Colonialism: Washington's Pursuit of World Hegemony" that has received much attention from the alternative-news blogosphere. In this article, I want to comment on the story from a larger point of view. Robert's perspectives are probably the last piece of the puzzle that we've been working on putting together here at DB. With his courageous input, we now have a clearer vision now of how the New World Order is coming together and how it will function. That sounds like a large statement, but in this article I will try to explain it and justify my presentation.

It is important to understand such things. If one does not understand the world, one is doomed to make numerous mistakes in investing and even in life itself. There is the old saying, referring specifically to software: "garbage in, garbage out." If one's INPUTS are wrong, then one's conclusions may be too. In this fraught day and age one should work steadily at refining one's inputs to make sure that the best and most foolproof conclusions are reached in all areas of existence. It's actually a survival issue.

So let us begin. We need to start with the idea that there is an Anglo-American power elite trying to establish a world government. We cannot necessarily explain WHY anyone would want to do such a thing. But apparently someone does. Actually more than a "someone" – a handful of impossibly wealthbanking families, located mainly in the one-square-mile City of London.

These families – and one family in particular – apparently have control of a worldwide central banking apparatus. With the ability to print money-from-nothing around the world, the Rothschilds have amassed a fortune that may be in excess of US$300 trillion. (Nobody really knows.) In the 1800s, such an impossible amount of money gave rise to the concept of "money power." This was an implacable force that controlled the destinies of countries and even continents. Money power caused wars to take place and elevated certain men to high places while casting down others.

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