Monday, March 28, 2011

Liberals Willing to Trade Blood and Treasure for Oil Company Profits Under Obama

Liberals Willing to Trade Blood and Treasure for Oil Company Profits Under Obama

Eric Blair
Activist Post

It's perplexing to see a high level of support for the unprovoked bombing of Libya on so-called "progressive" websites.

There has been an endless stream of humanitarian propaganda flowing from these sites trying to convince average liberals that the "human thing to do" is to rain down tomahawk missiles with depleted uranium to bring freedom and democracy to an oppressed people.

Huffington Post ran a piece by Ed Schultz titled Why I Support President Obama's Decision to Invade Libyawhere he described his reasoning as follows:
...President Obama explained this won't be a long-term operation.
Matter of days, not a matter of weeks. Not even months.
...He's (Obama) trying to give the rebels, those who want democracy, a fighting chance at just that and trying to stop Gaddafi -- this is the human thing to do -- from slaughtering his own people.

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