Thursday, April 21, 2011

Napolitano backs 6-year old’s pat-down: ‘Done professionally according to the protocols’

» Napolitano backs 6-year old’s pat-down: ‘Done professionally according to the protocols’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

COMMENT: Napolitano’s own statements indicate how the TSA nightmare at airports is itself being used as a Hegelian pretext or “created problem” to move us into a new nightmare or “created solution” where biometric IDs are required to travel (despite the fact that our right to travel is guaranteed under the Constitution, natural law and common law for millennia).

Daily Caller
April 21, 2011

The shock of a video of a Transportation Security Administration screener patting down a 6-year-old child has drawn anger and even a subsequent potential legislative response. But the TSA’s actions were not improper, says Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

“Nobody likes to see those kinds of things [...] even though it was done professionally according to the protocols,” she said. “But, what TSA is doing is reexamining those protocols all the time. It’s all in relation to threat – what is the threat? And one of the things we do see is if you categorically remove a group from any type of screening, well those who seek to do us harm will then exploit that group. So you have to be very careful on how you do it.”

However, Napolitano told “Morning Joe” that she and her colleagues are working a number of things to streamline the airport screening process, including expediting the process for frequent travelers.

“So here’s a couple of things we’re working on,” she said. “Number one is expanding trust and traveler programs, programs where people will get biometric cards. They’ve already supplied information. We know they are safe to travel. We can move them through the system. That’s going to be expanded this year. That allows us to remove a number of people I think from the screening process.”

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