Friday, May 6, 2011

WTF at WTC? Obama Has American Flag Removed From Ground Zero Site Moments Before Photo Shoot!

WTF at WTC? Obama Has American Flag Removed From Ground Zero Site Moments Before Photo Shoot! [Updated: or Perhaps Tapper Just Confused All of Us]
This administration and, by extension, the Democrat Party are now so thoroughly divorced from the history, traditions and morals of America that we might as well admit the Marxist left has executed a successful coup d'état on this Republic.

Update: The timing of Tapper's tweet is the subject of some discussion now on Twitter. @AllahPundit offers this photo of the wreath-laying, which depicts the flag in the background. So exactly what Tapper was talking about is a mystery to me.

Update II: Michelle Malkin gets to the bottom of it (hat tip: Tabitha Hale):

Earlier this morning, I tweeted a link to Doug Ross’s post highlighting a seemingly outrageous photo from ABC News White House reporter Jake Tapper showing the American flag being removed from Ground Zero.

Tapper wrote: “One minute to air and they decided to take the flag down from the live shot!”

Many, including me, jumped to the conclusion that the stage managers at the White House had the flag removed.

It’s not true... As Allahpundit points out, Tapper tweeted the photo at the end of the day yesterday after the Ground Zero event and the flag was visible during the ceremony.

As do I. But I'm sticking by my "Marxist coup d'état" comment.

Update III: Why the Leftists commenting here are idiots: (a) the next retraction one of the Left-leaning media sources makes will be their first (e.g., "Terror Wiretaps plus Invasion of Iraq plus Rendition plus Waterboarding Led to Bin Laden"); (b) Obama's on-again/off-again flag-pin patriotism; (c) and his well-documented failures to show respect to the flag -- all make it clear that Tapper's tweet would be utterly believable in the original context.

Don't let the blog's door hit you on the ass on the way out, drones.

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